Revision Strategy Support

Students are often unsure of how to revise and so reading and copying information out have often become go to ways of revising. However, studies have shown that we only remember 10% of what we read, 30% of what we see however, 80% of what we personally do or experience. Therefore it is important for students to use the right techniques to help the information 'stick' into their long-term memory. The right revision techniques and carrying out revision little and often are the best ways to ensure exam success. 

Revision Guidance

Please find two handy guides below to help support your child with revision during their GCSE's. Each guide gives specific advice about how to tackle revision and the various different strategies that can be tried. 

Parent Guide to Supporting GCSE Success

Student Guide to RevisionStudent Guide Spring MocksFlash cards 

A lot of students find creating flash cards a useful way to help them recall and remember key information. How they are created is important in order to ensure that they are effective, and students do not spend hours creating them. The video below looks at how to make effective non time consuming flashcards. 

Mind Maps

A lot of students find creating flash cards a useful way to help them recall and remember key information. How they are created is important in order to ensure that they are effective, and students do not spend hours creating them. The video below looks at how to make effective non time consuming flashcards. 


Creating a mnemonic is a great way to help retain information in the exam. The video goes through the different types of mnemonics and how to use them. 


Posters are a good way for students to create a colourful way of remembering information. They should include information, diagrams and drawings. They are a perfect way of summarising a topic on a page. 

Note taking 

The video below goes through the effective way to take notes. This includes the process that should be undertaken before making notes and showing how to organise notes into a clear system such as paragraphs, bullet points, examples etc. 

BBC - GCSE Bitesize Revision Pages


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